Plein Air Painting, 23rd February 2022, The Nelson Lighthouse
Meet us for plein air painting on Wednesday, 23rd February, at The Ferry, 272 Wakefield Quay, Nelson, seaside of Styx Restaurant. The ferry will will leave at 9:30am (!) to take us to the Nelson Lighthouse where we can paint until 12pm (pick up time). The captain has the key to the lighthouse and we will have the opportunity to go inside and enjoy the view.
The ferry ride is $30 per person return trip and payable directly to the captain (bring cash!). Booking is essential to take part. Please send me an email by Monday 21st Feb 2022 (RSVP!) if you like to sign up.
In case the weather is not agreeable the trip will be postponed to the following week.
There are no facilities available at the lighthouse. A public toilet is behind the Styx Restaurant.
Please bring your painting supplies, a chair, bug spray, sun screen, morning tea/lunch, sturdy footwear, and good weather.
If you have any suggestions on where to go for plein air, please let me know I will include it in the list. The following venues have been suggested and are on the list: Kina Beach BBQ area, Sanctuary Ponds Reserve, Motueka.
Plein air is scheduled for every Wednesday morning, except the 3rd Wednesday of the month. Please contact me if you like regular updates by email.