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Last Plein Air Painting for the season, 6th Dec 2023, Tahunanui Beach

Last week the weather was dreadful, so let’s try it again. Meet us for plein air painting on 6th December 2023, 10am, Tahunanui Beach. This will be our last plein air painting for the season. Therefore, let’s have some lunch together at the Beach Cafe, and let’s meet there at 12pm even if the weather is not good enough for plein air painting.

Directions: park in the Beach Cafe car park, then follow the board walk between the Beach Side Cafe and the volleyball courts until you arrive at the beach.

Please bring your painting supplies, a chair, bug spray, sun screen, morning tea/lunch good weather, and your togs…?

This is our last meeting before Christmas and we will meet up again in February 2024. Plein air painting is scheduled for every Wednesday morning, except the 3rd Wednesday of the month. Please note, we won’t meet if the weather is not accomodating (rain or strong winds).

Please let me know if you have any suggestions on where to go for plein air painting.

For regular updates on plein air painting contact [email protected].

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