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Ruby Bay and the Seagulls

Ruby Bay and the Seagulls was inspired by the two paintings Flight of the Seagulls and Ruby Bay. It occurred to me that we always see the seagulls flying over the land- and seascapes, but what would it look like if we see the seascape through the seagulls. It’s a little play of what is in front and what is behind. It engages your eye and makes you think and analyse. The painting is currently exhibited at Wall to Wall…

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Flight of the Seagulls

At the beginning of the year I visited the Nelson Harness Races to do research for a painting of the horses. However, I wasn’t only fascinated by the horses and people, but also by the seagulls. Although nobody cared about them, they were an important part of the scene. Their flying skills were amazing to watch and after many sketches and photos of them I immediately created this painting after the Nelson Harness Race painting. It’s not only the seagulls…

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Small Artworks Exhibition

I love these wee little watercolour paintings. They are so much fun to paint. The Art Group Nelson has organised the Small Artworks Exhibition at Wall to Wall Art Gallery and the paintings can be viewed there during August 2021. The Opening Event is on Monday 2nd August 2021, 5:30-7pm.

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The Nelson Harness Race

I always wanted to paint something that is typical for the Nelson Tasman area and thought why not paint the Nelson Harness Race? I love painting horses and I love painting movement. So I packed my sketchbook, my camera and my two daughters and off we went to the races. This was our first time at the harness race and we loved the atmosphere. The horses were racing hard while people were cheering them on, betting or just chatting. The…

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Wall To Wall Art Gallery – Studies Collection

This is my current display at Wall To Wall Art Gallery, Nelson. This time I included my studies for the Yoga Pukeko, Dancing Rooster, Autumn in the City and the Rugby Playing Kiwi. The studies are a great way to see my process when creating new work. Wall To Wall Art Gallery, 112 Bridge Street, Nelson

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Barbara Morrison Watercolour Exhibition

26 July - 15 August 2021 Nelson Suter Art Society, 208 Bridge Street, Nelson How exciting, a local exhibition with just watercolours. I'm looking forward to it and am painting new works especially for this event. Mark the spot!

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New Artwork is Coming – The Rugby Playing Kiwi

Finally it is ready, "The Rugby Playing Kiwi"! The painting is 61x46cm large, watercolour on Arches watercolour paper. Currently it is at Copyart for scanning and it is scheduled to hang at Wall To Wall Art Gallery, Nelson mid February. It took a lot of research on Kiwi birds and rugby games until the final layout of the painting was determined.    I watched YouTube videos and researched conservation websites to understand the anatomy of the kiwi and its posture…

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The Learning Connexion – Final Exhibition

Here are some photos of my final (Advanced - Level 7) exhibition at The Learning Connexion. It has been a great experience with exciting and challenging tasks. Thank you to Peter Adsett and John Cornish for their guidance and wonderful education. I thoroughly enjoyed it!

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